๐Ÿ› ๏ธ VitNode is still in development! You can try it out, but it is not recommended to use it now in production.
๐Ÿ”Œ Plugins


In VitNode we're implementing a custom authorization system, which gives us more flexibility and control over the authorization process. Our system use Guards (opens in a new tab) from NestJS to protect routes.

Portected route

To protect a route, you need to add the @UseGuards(AuthGuards) decorator to the route handler. This will make sure that the user is authenticated before accessing the route.

Here is an example for resolver:

import { AuthGuards } from "@/utils/guards/auth.guard";
@Query(() => ShowCoreMembersObj)
async core_members__show(@Args() args: ShowCoreMembersArgs): Promise<ShowCoreMembersObj> {
  return await this.service.show(args);

Admin protected route

If you need to protect a route with admin permissions you need to use the @UseGuards(AdminAuthGuards) decorator.

import { AdminAuthGuards } from "@/utils/guards/admin-auth.guard";
@Query(() => ShowCoreMembersObj)
async core_members__show(@Args() args: ShowCoreMembersArgs): Promise<ShowCoreMembersObj> {
  return await this.service.show(args);

Current user data

Whan you are using AuthGuards you can access to the current user in the resolver by using the @CurrentUser() decorator as param route.

import { CurrentUser, User } from '@/utils/decorators/user.decorator';
@Query(() => ShowCoreMembersObj)
async core_members__show(
  @Args() args: ShowCoreMembersArgs,
  @CurrentUser() user: User
): Promise<ShowCoreMembersObj> {
  return await this.service.show(args);

Current user data without protected route

If you need to access to the current user in a route you need use the @OptionalAuth() decorator in route. You need change @CurrentUser() decorator to optional param route.

import { AuthGuards, OptionalAuth } from "@/utils/guards/auth.guard";
import { CurrentUser, User } from '@/utils/decorators/user.decorator';
@Query(() => ShowCoreMembersObj)
async core_members__show(
  @Args() args: ShowCoreMembersArgs,
  @CurrentUser() user: User | null
): Promise<ShowCoreMembersObj> {
  return await this.service.show(args);