

How to create a database schema in VitNode.

VitNode use Drizzle ORM with PostgreSQL to manage database.

Create File

After created plugin create new file inside database/schema folder (categories.ts is an example here). If is your first schema, create folder schema inside database folder.


Create Schema

Inside your new file categories.ts create schema for your tables. Follow Drizzle ORM documentation for more information how create schema.


Here is example schema for blog_categories table:

import { pgTable } from 'drizzle-orm/pg-core';
export const blog_categories = pgTable('blog_categories', t => ({
  id: t.serial().primaryKey(),
  color: t.varchar({ length: 6 }).notNull(),
  position: t.integer().notNull().default(0),

You can read more about column types here.

Good to know

  • Inside schema folder you can create as many files as you want (folders not supported),
  • You can create as many schemas as you want inside one file,
  • The best naming convention for tables is snake_case with {your_plugin}_ prefix (example: blog_categories),
  • You can import other schemas only from core plugin.


Indexes are important part of schema. Thanks to indexes your database will be faster.

For example, if you have blog_articles table and you want to search by author_id, you can create index for this column.

import { core_users } from '@/plugins/core/admin/database/schema/users';
import { index, pgTable } from 'drizzle-orm/pg-core'; 
import { blog_categories } from './categories';
export const blog_articles = pgTable(
  t => ({
    id: t.serial().primaryKey(),
    author_id: t.integer().references(() =>, {
      onDelete: 'cascade',
    category_id: t.integer().references(() =>, {
      onDelete: 'cascade',
    created: t.timestamp().notNull().defaultNow(),
    update: t.timestamp().notNull().defaultNow(),

  t => [


You can read more about how to create indexes.


Relations is importatnt part of schema. Thanks to relations your database will be more readable and easier to use by you.

import { relations } from 'drizzle-orm';
export const blog_articles_relations = relations(blog_articles, ({ one }) => ({
  author: one(core_users, {
    fields: [blog_articles.author_id],
    references: [],
  category: one(blog_categories, {
    fields: [blog_articles.category_id],
    references: [],

Your relations should be with _relations surfix.

You can read more about how to create relations.

Import schema to root file

After created schema, you need to import it to database/index.ts file to add these schemas into TypeScript type. Inside index.ts file you can import as many schemas as you want.

Here is example index.ts file:

import * as articles from './schema/articles';
import * as categories from './schema/categories';
export default {

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