

List of functions available to help you build your application.

Format text / number

Check Special Characters

This function checks if a string contains special characters. It returns true if the string contains special characters, otherwise false.

import { checkSpecialCharacters } from 'vitnode-frontend/helpers/special-characters';
checkSpecialCharacters(string): boolean;
// Example
checkSpecialCharacters('Hello, World!'); // true

Remove Special Characters

This function removes special characters from a string.

import { removeSpecialCharacters } from 'vitnode-frontend/helpers/special-characters';
removeSpecialCharacters(string): string;
// Example
removeSpecialCharacters(' Hello, World! '); // Hello-World

Format Bytes

This function formats bytes into a human-readable format.

import { formatBytes } from 'vitnode-frontend/helpers/format-bytes';
formatBytes(bytes: number, decimals = 2): string;
// Example
formatBytes(100200300, 2); // 95.65 MB

As second argument, you can pass the number of decimal places to round the result. By default it is 2.

Generate Random String

This function generates a random string.

import { generateRandomString } from 'vitnode-frontend/helpers/generate-random-string';
generateRandomString(length: number): string;
// Example
generateRandomString(10); // 5f4d6a7b8c


HSL From String

This function generates an HSL color from a string.

import { getHSLFromString } from 'vitnode-frontend/helpers/color';
getHSLFromString(string: string): HSLColor;
// Example
getHSLFromString('hsl(0, 100%, 50%)'); // { h: 0, s: 100, l: 50 }

String From HSL

This function generates a string from an HSL color.

import { getStringFromHSL } from 'vitnode-frontend/helpers/color';
getStringFromHSL(color: HSLColor): string;
// Example
getStringFromHSL({ h: 0, s: 100, l: 50 }); // hsl(0, 100%, 50%)

Check Color Brightness

This function checks if a color is bright.

import { isColorBrightness } from 'vitnode-frontend/helpers/color';
isColorBrightness(color: HslColor): boolean;
// Example
isColorBrightness({ h: 0, s: 100, l: 50 }); // true

Convert colors

This function converts a color from one format to another.

import { convertColor } from 'vitnode-frontend/helpers/color';


Converts an HSL color to a HEX color.

convertColor.hslToHex(color: HSLColor): string;
// Example
convertColor.hslToHex({ h: 0, s: 100, l: 50 }); // #ff0000


Converts a HEX color to an HSL color.

convertColor.hexToHSL(color: string): HSLColor | undefined;
// Example
convertColor.hexToHSL('#ff0000'); // { h: 0, s: 100, l: 50 }


Converts an RGB color to an HSL color.

convertColor.RGBToHSL(color: RGBColor): HSLColor;
// Example
convertColor.RGBToHSL({ r: 255, g: 0, b: 0 }); // { h: 0, s: 100, l: 50 }


Converts an HSL color to an RGB color.

convertColor.hslToRgb(color: HSLColor): RGBColor;
// Example
convertColor.hslToRgb({ h: 0, s: 100, l: 50 }); // { r: 255, g: 0, b: 0 }

Check Color Type

This function checks the type of a color.

import { checkColorType } from 'vitnode-frontend/helpers/color';
checkColorType(color: string): 'hex' | 'hsl' | 'rgb' | null;
// Example
checkColorType('hsl(0, 100%, 50%)'); // 'hsl'

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