FormsSelectPresents a dropdown list of options for the user to choose from, activated by clicking a button.Shadcn UIThis component is part of Shadcn UI with some modifications. Preview Select example Usage Auto FormManualimport { z } from 'zod'; import { AutoForm } from 'vitnode-frontend/form/auto-form'; import { AutoFormSelect } from 'vitnode-frontend/form/fields/select';const formSchema = z.object({ type: z.enum(['option-one', 'option-two']), }); // or const formSchema = z.object({ type: z.nativeEnum(TestEnumProvider), });<AutoForm formSchema={formSchema} filds={[ { id: 'type', component: props => ( <AutoFormSelect {...props} labels={{ ['option-one']: 'Option One', ['option-two']: 'Option Two', }} placeholder="Select example" /> ), }, ]} /> API Reference Radix UI SelectEdit on GitHubPreviousRadio GroupNextSwitch