Admin Control Panel

Manage your app, users, and content with ease. Customize your app to fit your needs.

AdminCP screenshot


Users & Groups

Take access control to the next level with user and group management. Assign groups, permissions, and more.

User Management
Change groups, confirm emails, check activity, track sessions, and more. Manage users with ease.
Group-Based Access Control
Control access to features and content based on user groups. Assign permissions and manage group settings.
Staff Management
Manage staff accounts, roles, and permissions. Assign permissions and control access to features in AdminCP.
User list in AdminCP

Search Engine

Find correct settings as fast as possible.


Track errors, user activity, emails issues. Let's find the problem.


Let users know how you handle their data by adding privacy policy.

Files Manager

Control your files from WYSIWYG editor, upload, delete, and more.

User list in AdminCP

Configure Your App


Change logo, metadata, upload plugins, change favicon, and more. Customize your app to fit your needs.

Change meta tags, SEO settings, PWA colors, and much more.
Change login methods, force logins or even disable them. It's all up to you.
Change navigation items with drag and drop functionality. You don't need to code anything.

Diagnostic Tools

Catch Errors Before They Happen

Check logs, errors, and warnings. Clear cache, check CRON jobs, set-up important features, and more.

Diagnostic Tools page in AdminCP